Our Leadership Structure

The head of the Church is Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:22; 5:23).  Jesus has responsibility for building his Church (Matthew 16:18).  The Church is the body of Christ made up of believers who have been gifted in different ways (1 Corinthians 12:13-21). From him, that is Jesus, the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work (Ephesians 4:16).

Some members of the body are called to exercise leadership.  They are expected to serve with integrity and humility (Romans 12:8; 1 Peter 5:1 – 5).  In the Anglican church, some of these leaders have been given funny sounding names, which carry with them certain responsibilities:

Rector (Team Leader) – is called to exercise pastoral-leadership of the local church under the authority of the Bishop and as an under-shepherd of the Good Shepherd, Jesus.  A Rector promises (among other things) to: joyfully bring the gospel of Christ to those who do not know him, to be faithful in prayer, to diligently study and proclaim God’s holy word with boldness, and provide for the frequent celebration of the Holy Eucharist.  The Bishop charges the Rector to, “Receive the cure of souls which is both mine and yours”, which is old English for exercising pastoral care.  At an organisational level, the Rector is the Team Leader of the Church Staff (people employed to strategically advance or administratively support the vision of the church).

Wardens (Executive) – are called to support the clergy and their families.  They are to keep watch on the health, witness and teachings of the clergy and safeguard the church from straying from the historic faith.  They are legally responsible for the parish buildings and property as well as the finances.  They form the Executive together with the Rector.

Council (Eldership) – are called to lead and guard the life God entrusts to the parish.  In other church denominations they may be seen as Elders.  These Elders oversee various clusters of ministry (and outreach) portfolios in the church.  They are also the central accountability mechanism in a parish. A parish council will implement and develop the vision of the church as mandated by the congregation at its annual Vestry meeting (AGM).

In all aspects of life at St. Luke’s Church those who exercise leadership seek to do so with a servant-heart, graciously, generously and with kindness.

Who’s Who

Click on the different tabs to find out more about our amazing team

At St Luke’s Church, we are very blessed to have an amazing team of Ordained Clergy.

Rector:  Ian Stevens

Revd. Janette Ross

Associate: Janette Ross

Associate: Jerry Bailey

Associate: Claudia Coustas

Associate: Kabelo Motlhakane


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Here at St Luke’s Church we are truly blessed to have an amazing team of Wardens and Alt. Wardens.

Warden: Bruce Nourse

Warden: Steven Goncalves

Alt Warden: Shelley Sherlock

Our Council members

Finance (Treasurer):  Dale Vice

Mission & Mercy: Dee Shepherd

Property (development): Camilla Leeds

Property (maintenance): Frederick Kusambiza

Security: Dave Barnes

Social Responsibility: Colleen Davis

Spiritual Formation: Shelley Sherlock


Young People Church (YPC) :   Bongi Beja-Ntsiko

Young People Church (YPC) :   Nhlanhla Thobakgale

At St Luke’s Church things would not happen if it was not for the amazing team of staff that we have that works often behind the scenes in the office.

Shirley Lacy

Senior Administrator: Shirley Lacy

Maria Mokaba

Administrative Assistant: Maria Mokaba

Administrative Assistant: Wendy Miller

Caretaker: Katt Seoe

Assistant Groundsman: Sam Mdlalose

Cleaner: Doriccah Mabe

Our Lay ministers and chalice bearers serve under the guidance and leadership of our Senior Lay Minister


John Browne 

John Hoffe 

Mondo Mazwai

Christa Schamberger-Young

Mpumi Sishi 

Pam Ndaba 

Richard Hatfield 

Rose Nourse 

Sheldon Peterson (Youth)