Dedicated Giving


Our God is a loving and generous God. We respond to that love in our worship, prayer, ministry and giving.

The ministry of St Luke’s is dependent on “dedicated giving” funds from its parishioners and other monetary gifts. The Old Testament measure for giving was a tithe (10%).  Dedicated Giving is an intentional commitment to support the ministry of the Church financially. Please contact the Office for a pledge card.

Contributions can be paid by EFT directly into St Luke’s bank account or by placing cash or a cheque in the collection bag on Sundays.

Occasional gifts are always received with gratitude.

St Luke’s has been very blessed over the years by the wonderful generosity of the congregation.  This has enabled the Church to develop many ministries, particularly among young people.

St Luke’s gives away 10% of its annual income to people and ministries in its community (see Mission and Mercy below)

Banking details:

Bank:                Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd
Branch:            Norwood
Acc Name:       St. Luke’s Church
Branch code:   004 105
Account no:     001 844 067