Our dear Christian family. We pray you are well and blessed. Just wanted to take this opportunity to give some feedback from our recent outreaches and to thank you for your continued partnership with us in the gospel and prayers for our safety. These prayers were especially needed during the Easter long week-end while we were on outreach up in the remote, far northern parts of the Limpopo Province.
We experienced great blessing both at the Good Friday service at Khakhala village in Giyani and at the Resurrection Sunday service way up in Dhovho village in the Pafuri district. I was blessed to preach at both services and conducted a communion service at the big church in Dhovho. How wonderfully The Lord continues to bless his ministry to and our relationships with these Venda and Shangaan Christians.
We were able to provide more Tsonga bibles, a year’s worth of Sunday School lessons and worksheets for each child, together with required crayons and stationery and at long last a keyboard for this very needy church at Khakhala. We continue also to provide financial support to this church, part of which goes to feed the Sunday School children on Sunday mornings before Sunday School..
For the big Dhovho church we were able to provide twenty plastic tables for the one hundred Sunday school children to work on, a full year’s worth of bible lessons and work sheets and crayons etc and one hundred beautifully illustrated, hard-covered, children’s bibles for each Sunday School child. Oh what joy and what deep gratitude was shown by all.
Both services were concluded with the usual time of distribution of what we can only describe as ‘blessing packs’ to all in attendance. Perhaps it might be difficult for folks who are not poor to appreciate the extent of blessings brought by the gifts such as were provided to these churches during the Easter outreach.
There was again a marvellous and gracious response to the proclamation of the gospel in both villages and it is to us a great blessing to see the continued spiritual growth within these congregations even after having ministered to them for over twenty years. Praise the Lord for he is good and his mercy endures forever. All praise and honour be to our God and our most sincere and heartfelt thanks go out to you our extended Christian family for your prayers, love, encouragement and practical financial support.
On our outward journey up north on the Thursday preceding Good Friday, we ran the gauntlet of throngs of wrecklessly driven and many unroadworthy vehicles transporting over a million followers of the so-called, Zion Christian Church (cult), on their annual Easter pilgrimage to Moriah in Polokwane. We came within inches of being involved in three separate head-on collisions and only by the grace of God survived. But on the return journey we had a safe, incident free trip back from Limpopo on Sunday afternoon and night. We attribute these ‘journey mercies’ to the prayers of God’s people for our safety.
We will hold our final gospel/missions outreach before we return to the UK and Ireland, which is set to commence on Saturday, 15th April. This outreach will cover the Kwa Zulu Natal Province from Kosi Bay (Manguzi), on the border with Mozambique in the north, then southward through Pongola, where I will be preaching at the Kwa Lubisi Baptist Church on Sunday 16th April, before going on to Jozini, Hluhluwe, St. Lucia and right down the South Coast to Izingolweni near Port Edward on the border with the Eastern Cape, (Erstwhile Transkei). So prayers for this outreach too will be much appreciated.
Please pray for us now as we prayerfully work on our itinerary for this year’s, 22nd consecutive ministry and deputation visit to the UK and Ireland that is due to commence on May 31st. We are so looking forward to meeting up with all our Christian family members abroad again in two months time. We will be in touch within the coming week to arrange meetings with the Lord’s supporting churches in the UK and Ireland for this year’s visit.
With every blessing in Christ Jesus from Des and from me
Evangelist Gavin Campbell
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