Mercy – some thoughts by Janette Ross

Psalm 89: 1:   I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever ….”

How often do we use the words ‘mercy’ and ‘mercies’, both in our prayers and daily conversation, and even in the odd meaningless exclamation: ‘Mercy on us!’

But what is mercy? It has been said that grace is when we get what we don’t deserve, and mercy is when we don’t get what we do deserve. That bears thinking about! The dictionary definition of mercy is compassion, kindness, forbearance towards offenders. It contains ideas of both forgiveness and restoration.

The three words translated as mercy all contain the ideas of love, compassion, pity, graciousness. Some carry the thoughts of ‘gut’ feeling, ‘fellow’ feeling. The writer to the Hebrews in 4: 15 suggests that Jesus has a fellow feeling for us. He, without sin of his own, nevertheless feels for us in our weaknesses and as we carry the consequence of our sin. It also carries feelings of tenderness.

Often in Scripture people turn to God for mercy, both in situations of pain, suffering, uncertainty and in response to a sense of sin and unworthiness in themselves – “I am not worthy, but …” and in the ‘but’ there is a sense of God who is loving, kind and forgiving, and also a trust and humility in those who turn to him.

Psalm 29: 10b turns our thoughts to the God from whom we seek mercy: The Lord …. King forever …. gives strength to his people and blesses his people with peace.

“He restores my soul” says the psalmist in Psalm 23. He brings my soul back to where it belongs in relation to Him. That is mercy! “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Strength and peace – the blessing of those who turn to the Lord for mercy. They experience His pity, His understanding, His forgiveness and the restoration which brings us into His presence forever.

“Blessed are the merciful” said Jesus “for they shall obtain mercy”, and as we receive mercy, we will be able to show mercy, compassion and kindness in a world which is hurting and insecure.

Lord, make us merciful.

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever,
I will sing, I will sing,
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever,
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord.
With my mouth will I make known
Thy faithfulness, Thy faithfulness,
With my mouth will I make known
Thy faithfulness to all generations,
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever,
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord.
Lyrics by James H. Fillmore